Central Illinois Tumbling & Trampoline
Jump Start Plus CITT Tumbling Teams
Does your child cartwheel everywhere they go? Does your child flip off of everything in your house and your yard? Does your child love to physically challenge their body? Does your child love time in the gym better than just about anything else? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then your child may be a good fit on the Jump Start Plus CITT Tumbling Team.
Our coaches are constantly looking for agile, ambitious, determined, driven, energetic, flexible, positive, and strong males and females who are focused and wish to strive for excellence. Discover the requirements for your child to join the Jump Start Plus Tumbling Team below.
Upon joining our tumbling team, our coaches will be able visualize your child's potential, set goals for that vision, determine a plan of action to achieve those goals, and begin down a path of building your child's self-assurance in themself. Jump Start Plus CITT athletes, during twenty plus years of operation, have earned 245 National Championship Titles between the two tumbling associations.
Begin your child on a journey of achievement and success by inquiring about him or her becoming a member of the Jump Start Plus CITT Tumbling Team!
More Competitive Teams
CIGA - Central Illinois Gymnastics Academy
United States Tumbling Association
Jump Start Plus tumbling teams compete within two tumbling associations. The first is the United States Tumbling Association. Younger team members, who are not yet flipping, compete in this association. Although it is a national association, it is strongest within the state of Illinois. This initiates a strong beginning to their competitive tumbling years.
Jump Start Plus tumbling staff appreciates the mandatory passes USTA demands of athletes who are rolling and limbering. Our staff believes they provide a strong foundation for the developing tumbler. Jump Start Plus USTA coaches do an amazing job of preparing athletes, both physically and mentally, for a future in the sport of tumbling (or any other sport they may one day pursue). Through competition, they begin to understand their bodies and gain confidence in themselves. Jump Start Plus staff places their athletes in the appropriate levels to ensure success.
Our head USTA coach, Bre Hutchison, has coached many state and national champions during her twelve years of coaching the competitive team. Bre does an outstanding job of preparing each and every athlete to move to the USAG team (described later). Olivia Minor is Bre's assistant coach. She, like Bre, brings great knowledge of the sport to the team as both are former elite athletes. They both enjoy young children and bring the perfect mix of kindness and firmness to their athletes.
USTA Tumbling Team Requirements
Must be 3 years or older
Must commit to 2 to 3 hours of practice per week
Must attend a minimum of 3 competitions per season
Must have the approval of the USTA coaches
USA Gymnastics
The second association is USA Gymnastics, the internationally recognized association for the United States of America. USA Gymnastics is the association which selects athletes from across the nation to represent the USA around the world.
For Jump Start Plus, once athletes have mastered rolling and limbering, they move onto the USAG team. Here they will learn to flip and twist. They will also learn how to flip and twist multiple times without ever touching the rod floor. Additionally, they will combine these skills into passes which they will compete. The Jump Start Plus team has a unique competitive style. Athletes will be taught this style (will include it with the technical skills taught) and will enter into their competitions prepared and ready to be successful competitive athletes.
The USA Gymnastics Team is currently coached by co-head coaches Linda Laaker and Ky Shaw. The combined years of coaching between our two co-head coaches is sixty plus years. During this time, Linda has been selected as a USAG international team coach on seven occasions. Ky is currently serving as the tumbling representative on the USAG Elite Program Committee. Additionally, twenty-nine Jump Start Plus CITT athletes have been selected to represent the USA in international meets in countries including Azerbaijan, Bulgaria (twice), Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Russia (twice), and The Netherlands.
USAG Tumbling Team Requirements
Must be 4 years or older
Must commit to 6-1/2 to 11 hours of practice per week
Must attend a minimum of 4 to 5 competitions per season
Must have the approval of the USAG coaches